CTVN students at Prologue Early College win National Video Challenge
We’re proud of our students at CTVN’s video production program at Prologue Early College, co-taught by Vedran Residbegovic and Virginia Boyle, who won the national video challenge by the Frederick Douglass Family Foundation with their entry “What is Freedom,” a public service announcement informing people about modern day slavery. 17 year-old Rondell Freeman entered the film into the contest on behalf of more than 50 Prologue students who worked on the project. The prize will bring 2 students, Rondell Freeman and 17 year-old Ingrid Angulo, accompanied by a Prologue Early College representative to Washington, D.C. in observation of the 150th Anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation, hosted by the Frederick Douglass Family Foundation, the direct descendents of Frederick Douglass, Booker T Washington, and other abolitionists.
The students will join Frederick Douglass Family Foundation in presenting the New Proclamation of Freedom to the U.S. Department of Education, along with a petition with nearly 1000 signatures, recommending that nation-wide education on human trafficking be included into school curriculums at appropriate age-levels. The New Proclamation of Freedom states that victims of modern-day slavery and human trafficking should be protected.
Prologue students are also hoping to meet representatives from the Department of Justice and the State Department at the main event on the Human Trafficking Awareness Day, January 9, 2013. The prize pays for the Prologue Early College delegation to attend 4 days of related events in Washington DC.
1 Comment
Chris and Mary Fogarty · January 11, 2013 at 5:55 AM
That is GREAT news! Congratulations to all who participated in that work.