Students Take on Police-Community Relations in a Video Project

Rondell Freeman in the role of a Chicago Police officer. Over 90 percent of the project was filmed using green screen.

Prologue Early College students spent the months of October and November brainstorming, writing, storyboarding and filming an instructional video on what to do when interacting with Chicago police officers, tentatively titled “Know Your Rights, But…”. The video came about as part of collaboration between the Video Production class taught by CTVN’s Vedran Residbegovic and Art of Communication class taught by Prologue teacher Dr. Virginia Boyle.


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Job Talk 101

What makes a good job interview? In this fun comedy / instructional video, Prologue Early College students explore the ins and outs of successful job interviews. This video won “Best of the Festival” at Chicago Youth Community Film Festival 2012. Congratulations Prologue! Be sure to follow and like us!

We Part of the People Too

Miles Johnson, CTVN’s exceptionally talented young producer from Prologue Early College, wrote and directed this powerful music video. As Miles puts it in the video: “…bright intellectuals, now it’s the time. Time for what? For the positive grind”… Music: “I dunno” by grapes, released under Creative Commons By Attribution 3.0 Read more…