CTVN’s 2019 Annual Report

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We are excited to share that in the 2019 fiscal year, over 400 of Chicago’s youth participated in our media production programs. This would not have been possible without your support! By pooling our resources from our generous donors and our community of videographers, CTVN continues to cultivate youth’s artistic voices and promote impactful journalism.

This year marks Community TV Network’s 45th anniversary, a perfect time to reflect on our past! In the last 45 years, we have been lucky enough to cover countless important moments from Chicago’s history, including Harold Washington’s run for the mayor, the Freedom Movement with Martin Luther King Jr., the “A La Esperanza” mural, the beginnings of the AIDS education, the brutality of Jon Burge (of the CPD), and much more. With your help, we can continue working on the ground level to document news in Chicago’s communities for years to come!

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