Hard Cover News: Humboldt Voices

Humboldt Park is a neighborhood known for its talent and activism. Hard Cover Youth journalist uncover how they are connected for two of Humboldt’s own, Adam AD and Miguel Rodriguez at neighborhood organizations King Lizzy and Graffiti Zone. Be sure to follow and like us!

Students Take on Police-Community Relations in a Video Project

Rondell Freeman in the role of a Chicago Police officer. Over 90 percent of the project was filmed using green screen.

Prologue Early College students spent the months of October and November brainstorming, writing, storyboarding and filming an instructional video on what to do when interacting with Chicago police officers, tentatively titled “Know Your Rights, But…”. The video came about as part of collaboration between the Video Production class taught by CTVN’s Vedran Residbegovic and Art of Communication class taught by Prologue teacher Dr. Virginia Boyle.


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Pedro Albizu Campos Greenhouse

At Pedro Abizu Campos High School,  students grow their own food and make their own compost in a Greenhouse. Watch this short documentary to learn more about this unique, hands on classroom at Pedro Albizu Campos Academy in Humboldt Park and how to make your own compost tea! Be sure Read more…

Stray Bullets

Stray Bullets is an original music video produced by CTVN After School Matters Apprentices. It portrays how stray bullets can take an innocent person’s life and the negative effect on the community after a life is taken. This video sheds some light on the effects of gun violence in Chicago Read more…

After the Bullet

After the Bullet, produced by Community TV Network and directed by youth filmmaker Brittany Douglas is one teen’s journey through grief and resilience as she tells the story of how losing her mother to gun violence has shaped her life for better or worse. After the Bullet is a tale Read more…

Summer Break

This youth produced short film is a coming of age story about a girl transitioning into high-school. (Featuring Original Music by PIZ) Be sure to follow and like us!